Benefits of pitahaya, and information on the different nutritional properties provided by these tropical fruits, also known as pitayas, warakkos or yaureros.

The pitahaya is one of those rare or well-known fruits in our country. It is also known by the names of warakko, pitaya, yaurero and pitajón, and consists of an exotic or tropical fruit that belongs to the Cactaceae plants.

There are two edible varieties of the same fruit: the yellow and the red species, although both belong to or come from the same family. It is native to Mexico, Colombia and Central America in general, so that depending on the variety, it is grown in one country or another: thus, for example, the red variety is grown mostly in Nicaragua and Mexico, while the yellow variety is grown in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia.

Both the red and yellow varieties have an ovoid shape, although the red fruit has a thick rind with bracts, and the yellow one has a bark with thorns, being easily distinguishable.

Nutritional properties of pitahaya

From a nutritional point of view, the pitahaya or pitaya is a fruit that, despite being very sweet, has a low caloric intake, thanks above all to its low carbohydrate content.

If it stands out for its very high content of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that, as you know, has an antioxidant action, increases resistance to infections, and intervenes in the formation of bones and teeth, red blood cells and collagen.

Benefits of pitahaya

The pitahaya is a low-calorie fruit, so its consumption is recommended in weight loss diets. In addition, it is rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, so it is also recommended in children and adolescents because they are of growing age, but also in athletes, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

They help reduce the risk of degenerative and cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In addition, its consumption is recommended in case of iron deficiency anemia, by increasing the absorption of iron from food.


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