The spring begins on March 21, when the vernal equinox, when day equals night. Precisely for this reason, during the next six months, daylight will dominate our lives: the days lengthen, and with it the hours of sunshine.

The spring is considered the “green season” because it is the time of nature; the exact moment in which it begins to flower, in which the seeds begin to germinate, after the rain and snow characteristic of winter.

But new things also begin to grow in our own lives: both personal relationships and work (and study if you are a student) also receive new stimuli. Therefore, we can almost say that, during this beautiful season, we flourish as much or even more as nature.

Why “spring alters blood”?

Popularly, every time spring arrives and it “settles” among us, it is said that “blood alters”, especially after a cold winter in which the person tends to feel somewhat sadder or melancholic, even unconsciously.

In this sense, many psychologists and sociologists agree that spring not only brings new relationships, euphoria, joy and even those known as spring allergies.

Due to the increase in solar radiation and the changes that occur in the weather itself, these cause an effect in our body that results in the impairment of the production of certain hormones, such as melatonin, which affects the emotions, appetite, sleep frequencies, and sexuality, to name just a few.

As the doctor expert in biological rhythms, indicated some time ago, the human species has a biological calendar that varies with the seasons of the year, which works with hormonal stimuli.

Since there are fewer night hours in spring, the production of melatonin varies, which leads to changes in both the physical and emotional responses of the person.

It is known that sexual relations increase in spring, mainly because another hormone, pheromone, is also affected by the increase in daylight hours. In addition, various physiological functions such as stress, good or bad mood, and fertility are related to the amount of sunlight we receive.

Mainly because of these issues, many historians also affirm that, for this reason, many ancient peoples gave an extremely special importance to this season of the year.

As these hormonal changes occur, the person generally tends to feel more cheerful and outgoing, and their relationships can change in a positive way.

Not everything is joy in spring

But not always “spring alters blood.” In these months, especially in the first moments of spring and even more so in the process of the change of season, the so-called spring depression also tends to appear, which in turn leads to a change in the person’s mood and Sleep frequency.

As in autumn, spring asthenia can appear, which is nothing more than an emotional state of sadness and melancholy, generally temporary, which appears in the person as a cause of the seasonal changes.

For this reason, it is useful to choose a healthy diet and to consume those foods typical of this beautiful season, since they contain all the necessary nutrients for our body to function properly.



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