How to get over a breakup: three steps to help you
There is no doubt that a breakup is not easy, and it is always very painful. Therefore, receiving any help is essential to overcome it and be happy with yourself again.
Any breakup is a...
10 famous quotes from Aristotle that will help you improve as people
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and thinker whose approaches have survived to this day. We highlight 10 of his most famous quotes, useful to be a better person.
Aristotle was with Plato, one of the most...
How to deal with a conflict
What to do when you are faced with a conflict with another person and you don't really know how to act? We will discover some tips that will be of great help to you.
It is...
5 simple tricks to get away from stress
Stress has a negative influence on our health, even making us sick not only emotionally but also physically. We will discover some useful tips for you to stay away from him.
The stress is one of contemporary ills,...
5 famous quotes from Chaplin that will help us be more optimistic
Charles Chaplin was without a doubt an inspiring person, and not only because of his wonderful films. We propose 5 famous phrases that will help you to be a little more optimistic every day.
Charles Chaplin...
3 teachings of Gandhi that you should apply in your daily life
Gandhi taught us not only with his words but also with his own life. The 'non-violence' was his maxim, but not only the only one. We discover 3 lessons that we should never forget.
There is little...
Five inspiring phrases to face life with optimism
Is it difficult for you to be optimistic and see life differently? Charles Chaplin, Tales of Miletus, Audrey Hepburn, Benjamin Franklin and Maya Angelou have a phrase for you that will help you a lot.
Romantic love and true love
Love is undoubtedly wonderful, but do you really know what it is, and what are the differences between a romantic love and a true one?
In a relationship, there are a series of psychological issues and...
The incredible benefits of silence: heal ourselves without saying anything
Silence can be extremely beneficial, especially since it allows us to listen to life and get away from the madding crowd. Find out how to heal yourself without simply saying anything.
Silence is very important to...
5 ways to encourage positive thinking
Being more positive improves your life and helps you to be much happier, to see problems as an opportunity to grow. We propose 5 ways to change your negative thinking and be much more positive.