There are many properties of cherries, as well as the various benefits that this delicious and wonderful fruit has, as characteristic as it is beautiful. Discover them.

The cherry tree is a small fruit tree from the city of Cerasonte (Asia Minor), according to tradition itself. It belongs –in fact- to the Rosaceae family, and there are numerous varieties of cherries. We could almost say that cherries are the first fruits of summer, as they are characteristic of this beautiful time of year.

There are different types of cherries, and there are sweet (usually the best known as a general rule), and bitter, and it is characterized by being a very refreshing fruit, which always feels good at any time of the day.

But what are the properties of cherries? What virtues do we find in the benefits of cherries?

What are cherries?

They become, almost with total probability, one of the fruits whose external appearance makes it one of the most popular, in addition to being easily distinguishable. They basically consist of the fleshy fruits of trees belonging to the Rosaceae family, which we find in temperate zones, and scientifically known by the name of Prunus Apium: the cherry tree.

They are seasonal fruits, being common to find them especially during the summer months, as is the case with other summer season fruits such as melon or watermelon.

In addition, they stand out for being highly appreciated for their sweet taste, their external appearance and their delicate refreshing effect.

Nutritional values ​​of cherries

From a nutritional point of view, cherries stand out mainly for their high water content, as in fact happens with most seasonal fruits that we find especially during the summer months.

In fact, it is estimated that around 85% of its content is water. In addition, it stands out for its low fat content and therefore in calories, so that 100 grams of cherries provide only 60 calories.

On the other hand, they also provide carbohydrates and proteins of vegetable origin, in addition to vitamins (especially vitamin C and group B), minerals (such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium) and natural antioxidants.

Specifically, 100 grams of cherries provide:

  • Energy: 60 kcal
  • Water: 82 g
  • Carbohydrates: 16 g (of which sugars 12.82 g)
  • Proteins: 1.06 g
  • Vitamins:  vitamin A (64 IU), vitamin C (7 mg), B3 (0.15 mg), B5 (0.19 mg), B9 (4 mcg), vitamin E (0.07 mg) and vitamin K1 (2.1 mcg).
  • Minerals:  calcium (13 mg), iron (0.36 mg), magnesium (11 mg), phosphorus (21 mg), potassium (222 mg).

Interesting benefits of cherries

Antioxidant qualities

Cherries stand out for their high contribution of natural antioxidants. In particular, its contribution in anthocyanins is interesting, components that we find not only in cherries but also in other fruits (such as grapes).

These natural antioxidants help reduce the negative action of free radicals, preventing premature aging of our cells.

They help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides

In case of high cholesterol, did you know that cherries are especially useful for reducing high levels of fat in the blood? Therefore, they are not only suitable for high cholesterol, but also for high triglycerides.

Therefore, its consumption is very interesting to also help us prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Useful in case of hypertension

Did you know that cherries have a high amount of potassium? In fact, 100 grams of cherries provide 222 mg of potassium. This mineral is very useful in case of arterial hypertension, helping in a positive way when it comes to reducing blood pressure if it is elevated.

Allies of our skin

Not only because of its high water content -which helps us to hydrate our organism- but because of its contribution in natural antioxidants, cherries are very useful for the health of our skin.

In fact, they help us to enjoy a much more hydrated and therefore healthier skin, being useful to delay the natural aging of the skin.

Properties of cherries, in summary

Cherries stand out in the first place for being purifying, energetic and disinfectant, at the same time that they help in cases of constipation by being a little laxative.

It is also a regenerating fruit for organic tissues, and is also recommended in cases of arteriosclerosis, obesity, arthritis, constipation, gastric disorders and rheumatism.

It is advisable for both children and the elderly, and can be taken by diabetic people as long as the doctor indicates it.

But not only does it have internal properties for the body, since it can also be used to enjoy natural beauty, since when crushed on the face, they favor the skin.


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