The carotenoids are compounds that have an important antioxidant, which tend to function as precursors of vitamin also another important: the vitamin.

Among the most prominent carotenes, for example, it is necessary to name, for example, beta (provitamin and itself), alpha, gamma carotene and lycopene, about which we already spoke to you on a previous occasion due to its protective properties against cancer of prostate.

Since they are very important for health, it is precise and necessary to know what their main benefits and properties are.

Health benefits of carotenoids

There are several properties of carotenoids that, in one way or another, contribute to taking care of our health. We highlight the most outstanding ones below:

  • They help prevent certain types of cancer.
  • They prevent the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.
  • They strengthen the immune system, helping in turn to increase defenses.
  • They protect the membranes of our cells.
  • They have important functions related to the mucous membranes.
  • They protect memory.
  • They prevent problems such as cataracts or macular degeneration.

Where to find carotenoids?

Although it will clearly depend on the type of carotenoid we want to consume, basically there are many foods that, in one way or another, offer several.

  • Lycopene’s: tomato, guava and watermelon.
  • Carotenes: dark green vegetables, fruits and vegetables both yellow and orange, such as mangoes and papaya or watermelon, carrot, pumpkin or peaches.
  • Lutein’s: red pepper, broccoli, cabbage, avocado, egg yolk, pumpkin, spinach.


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