Discover what foods you have to eat to obtain all the vitamins, which will help you to follow a varied and balanced diet every day, but above all healthy and rich in vitamins.

Many nutritionists coincide in pointing out the importance – almost vital – that for our body and our own health it has to follow a varied and balanced diet every day, mainly because it is the way to provide our body with all those essential nutrients that we need for our health and to function properly.

In the case of vitamins, we are faced with fundamental substances for the different metabolic processes of the body. Hence the importance of following a diet as varied as possible, since our body is not capable of producing these substances by itself, so that following a poorly balanced and unhealthy diet will result in an alteration of the body’s metabolism.

But it can always happen that we have doubts about what foods to eat to provide our body with all those vitamins we need on a daily basis. To help you, below we offer you a complete list of what you should eat to obtain all the vitamins each day.

What to eat to get vitamin A?

The vitamin A is an antioxidant vitamin, which participates actively in the formation of both adrenal sex hormones.

Regarding the foods richest in vitamin A, cow and chicken liver, skim milk, cheddar cheese, whole milk, carrot juice, carrots, spinach, melon, spinach, papaya, stand out. Mango, peaches and tomato juice.

What to eat to get B vitamins?

Although the functions vary depending on the type of vitamin B we are talking about, they mostly produce energy through food, produce hormones, enzymes and proteins, intervene in cell growth and division, maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system and strengthen the immune system.

We can find them especially in whole grains (wheat, oats and rice), eggs, legumes, and dried fruits such as walnuts.

What to eat to get vitamin C?

It is a vitamin popularly known for its antioxidant qualities. In addition, it produces collagen and proteins essential for the formation of tissues and their healing.

Foods with the highest vitamin C content include red and green peppers, orange juice, and cranberries, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kiwi.

What to eat to get vitamin D?

The Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for both proteins for such an important mineral such as calcium, allowing facilitated -and intestinal absorption.

Among the foods richest in vitamin D are salmon, sardines, oysters, milk, eggs, butter and margarine, fish liver oil, smoked herring and shrimp.

What to eat to get vitamin E?

Like vitamin C, it is an essential nutrient recognized for its antioxidant qualities.

Among the foods richest in vitamin E are nuts (especially almonds, walnuts and peanuts), spinach, sunflower seeds or seeds, vegetable oils such as sunflower, milk and soybean oil, tomatoes, broccoli and asparagus.

What to eat to get vitamin K?

Although less well known, vitamin K is an essential nutrient that is mainly related to the regulation of blood clotting.

Among the foods richest in vitamin K are green or kale, spinach, soybean oil, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, asparagus, olive oil, margarine and lettuce.


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