Fruit therapy is a natural therapy that uses the benefits and properties of fruits as medicine, thanks to its extremely important nutritional wealth. Find out what it is and what its virtues are.

The fruits are, undoubtedly, some foods that cannot miss in a balanced diet, because they provide most of the essential nutrients that our body needs every day, and also help prevent a number of disorders and diseases.

For this reason, many nutritionists, and also quite a few Public Health Administrations, advise the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables (around 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day), due to their nutritional importance for our health in general.

What is fruit therapy?

The fruit therapy is a therapy that defends the consumption of fruits to improve health. To do this, it uses the different healing substances that we find in fruits, for the nutritional and health benefit of the person.

Among the most important healing substances that we find in these foods we distinguish vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, fiber and water.

Objectives of fruit therapy

The main objective of this natural therapy is to help the body regain health and replace the different energetic wastes that occur naturally every day.

Benefits of fruit therapy

It is a beneficial therapy for health, especially because fruits are rich in vitamins (provitamin A and vitamin C stand out), minerals (such as potassium and magnesium), antioxidants, trace elements and phytochemicals (which give color and aroma to fruits).

Below we summarize the most important benefits of fruit therapy:

  • Its richness in fiber provides satiety, reducing appetite. In addition, it helps prevent constipation, by improving intestinal transit.
  • They are purifying, helping to purify our body and detoxify it, and favoring the natural elimination of toxins. Thanks above all to its water content.
  • They help delay aging.
  • They promote the elimination of high uric acid and high cholesterol.


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