Good and beneficial foods for irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder that improves considerably if some foods are eliminated and others are added to the diet.

The so-called irritable bowel syndrome (disorder also known by the name of irritable bowel) is characterized as a fairly common problem, affecting approximately 6% of the population.

It is true that its symptoms are not entirely clear, especially since they can be confused with other disorders, hence it is necessary that the person with irritable bowel must have the symptoms for at least 12 weeks throughout the year so that it can be diagnosed with this disorder.

Although the doctor will indicate a series of guidelines and strategies that will help in a positive way in its treatment (such as living a quiet life, practicing physical exercise and eating slowly, among others), it is also essential to follow an adequate diet for irritable bowel disease.

The irritable bowel syndrome diet is a disorder whose dietary treatment must go in several phases.

First phase of dietary treatment

In this first phase, they must eliminate the following foods:

  • Cereals: such as barley, wheat, and rye.
  • Farinaceous: such as bread, flour, pastries and pastry products.
  • Vegetables: especially the richest vegetables in starch.
  • Legumes: like chickpeas or soybeans.
  • Tubers: like sweet potatoes or potatoes.
  • Dairy products.
  • Cellulose-rich foods.
  • Foods rich in refined sugar.
  • Coffee and alcohol.

We must also highlight processed and refined foods, paying special attention to those  irritating and exciting foods.

Beneficial foods for irritable bowel syndrome

Once all those foods and food products that can be harmful to our health have been eliminated from our diet when we have been diagnosed with this disorder, it is essential to choose the best foods for irritable bowel from then on:

  • Fiber-rich foods: such as whole grains, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice.
  • Easy to digest foods.
  • Probiotics: they are especially useful foods to take care of the intestinal flora in a natural way.
  • Low-fat foods of animal origin.


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