Baking soda is a natural product with incredible health benefits, not only as a preventive but also as a curative treatment. We discover what it is for.

The sodium bicarbonate (also commonly known under the name sodium bicarbonate  or I baking soda) consisting of a solid crystalline compound of appearance and texture, white which is soluble in water with a slightly alkaline flavor. Basically it is a white powder that we can find naturally in Nature or that can be produced industrially.

It is actually an extremely cheap product that we could almost consider basic in many homes, with incredible properties and health benefits, and a great diversity of uses. And it is that not only provides qualities for the treatment or relief of certain ailments or health problems, but it can be used for cleaning the home or for food preparation.

In fact, baking soda is often used in baking to help the dough rise, adding flavor and volume. While it can also be used for household cleaning due to its abrasive and deodorizing qualities (in fact, rubbing with a cloth the baking soda is able to clean silver). It is widely used when cleaning the refrigerator.

The health benefits of baking soda

Helps relieve heartburn

As we already mentioned in a previous note in which we told you about the qualities of  bicarbonate and lemon for heartburn, it is an effective remedy to relieve heartburn, helping in a positive way when it comes to reducing its annoying symptoms: burning and burning that rises through the chest to reach the throat, cough, pharyngitis, nausea, sleep disturbances and a bad taste in the mouth. Therefore, it stands out as a wonderful antacid, capable of neutralizing the acid by transforming it into sodium chloride.

Regulates high cholesterol levels in the blood

Some scientific studies have shown that drinking mineral water with sodium bicarbonate  helps reduce high blood cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol levels (also known as bad cholesterol). Therefore, it helps to improve our cardiovascular health, being useful in turn when it comes to preventing related diseases.

Reduces pain caused by ulcers

Taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate in a large glass of water is a useful natural option when it comes to reducing pain caused by the presence of ulcers, since it helps to quickly neutralize the acid present in the stomach.

Helpful in reducing uric acid

In case of high uric acid, sodium bicarbonate is a very useful natural option when it comes to reducing high levels of this acid. The truth is that, in reality, it is not only beneficial in this case, but in a general way it helps to combat the excess acids present in the body, not only uric acid but also oxalic acids.

Good liver cleanser

Sodium bicarbonate is a useful natural remedy for cleansing the liver, something that is recommended to do at least once a year. It is useful not only when it comes to purifying the liver, but it is suitable in the case of certain liver disorders and diseases, such as fatty liver.

Other benefits of baking soda

The truth is that sodium bicarbonate is interesting and useful not only to enjoy good health and treat certain disorders and medical problems, but it is also suitable for different skin conditions:

  • Exfoliating: sodium bicarbonate, due to its texture, is an excellent exfoliator for the skin not only on the face but also on the body. You can make an exfoliating paste of 3 tablespoons of baking soda for 1 tablespoon of water.
  • Relax tired feet: in case of having tired feet, a useful natural option to relax is to heat a tub or basin with hot water and add 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
  • Relieves Insect Bites: Baking soda is helpful in reducing and alleviating discomfort caused by insect bites by relieving the itchiness. Simply rub a little dry powder on the bite, or make a paste with water and apply it.
  • Natural deodorant – Baking soda can act as a natural deodorant, reducing odor caused by underarm sweat. To enjoy this quality, just apply a little sodium bicarbonate mixed with water to the armpits.
  • Useful for cleaning teeth: sodium bicarbonate, used as if it were a mouthwash, is excellent for neutralizing the bacteria present in the mouth, responsible for dental plaque.
  • Dental bleaching: helps clean and whiten teeth, while combating dental plaque. It is not recommended to use it more than once a week, as otherwise it could damage the gums.


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