On previous occasions we have exposed you some habits, tips and tricks that, in one way or another, help you purify your body from the inside. And, above all, to purify different organs of our body.

For example, we showed you tricks to purify the kidneys and to purify the liver, organs that are extremely important for life and that are necessary to keep them in good condition in order to enjoy good health.

In this sense, a few weeks ago we also mentioned some basic tips or tricks that, precisely, gave you the possibility of purifying the gallbladder.

However, on this particular occasion we are going to learn how to purify another of the most important organs of our body: the intestines. Learn tips and tricks to help you cleanse your intestine.

How to cleanse the intestines:

The intestines are extremely important organs in our body, since they fulfill a very important task: they break down food so that it can be absorbed into the blood, taking care of the elimination of waste products.

However, on various occasions it is necessary to purify the intestine, especially if you suffer from bad breath, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness, poor digestion, diarrhea, gas and even headaches or insomnia problems.

For all this, we indicate below some tricks to purify the intestine that will help you a lot:

  • Since, with each food we consume, we provide our body with toxins and elements that it does not need later (especially with junk food or sweets), the fundamental thing we must do first is to take care of our diet. To do this, we must do without drinks such as alcohol or coffee, also avoiding overeating and tobacco.
  • It is advisable to always take a lot of fruit and vegetables, natural juices made by yourself at home, a lot of water and nuts. Likewise, eating yogurts rich in Bifidus is more than recommended, since, as you surely know, they help to enjoy a healthy intestinal flora.
  • On an empty stomach, you can take an artichoke infusion or a milk thistle infusion, ideal when it comes to purifying the body.


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