Monosodium glutamate is a food additive about which there is much controversy, especially because of the supposed side effects it produces and the risks of its consumption. We reveal more about him.
Despite being used for many years before, it was not until 1968 that the controversy over monosodium glutamate broke out, after Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok described in different medical reports a series of symptoms that some of his patients felt later eating Chinese food.
A table that was later baptized -or known- with the name of the Chinese restaurant syndrome in relation to the fact that it is a food additive used especially in Asian restaurants, although in reality we are faced with a flavoring or aroma enhancer also used in other types of cuisine as well as in the food industry itself.
Its possible risks and health effects have caused much controversy, especially since the controversy arose in the 1960s. Since then, doubts about the safety of its consumption have continued.
What is the monosodium glutamate?
It consists of a well-known food additive whose main function is to improve the taste of some foods and processed food products. For example, in the food industry, it helps, among other things, that processed meats and dressings have a better taste that frozen food has a fresher taste, and that canned food does not have a metallic taste.
And it is that combined with other ingredients it is capable of enhancing and accentuating the flavor of food, thus increasing their palatability.
We could define it as an additive that has the ability to “trick” our body, making us believe from an organoleptic point of view, that food tastes much better when in reality it does not.
Explained in a more technical way, we can say that monosodium glutamate is characterized by being the sodium salt of glutamic acid (being a protein, we find it in most foods rich in proteins). That is, it contains 78% free glutamic acid, 21% sodium and up to 1% contaminants.
It is obtained through a fermentation process from certain products, such as sugar cane or some cereals. After going through this process, it goes through a refining process until pure monosodium glutamate is obtained, composed of glutamic acid or glutamate, water and salt.
As it is a food additive, it is also known by the name of E-621, although at the same time you can find it in certain foods if it says hydrolyzed protein or autolyzed yeast extract on its nutritional label.
How can we find it in food?
If you want to find out if the food products you usually consume have monosodium glutamate among their ingredients (or even want to start considering it when you go shopping and be in the supermarket), just take a look at the food labeling.
It is common to find it under the name E-621, or also as monosodium glutamate, MSG, Chinese salt, umami or ajinomoto.
Is consumption of monosodium glutamate dangerous?
Although it has been linked to Chinese restaurant syndrome, the truth is that many scientific studies have not been able to demonstrate a connection between these symptoms and the presence in Chinese food of monosodium glutamate.
It is true that these symptoms can appear, above all, in those people who are particularly sensitive to food additives, and especially to said additive. On the other hand, certain side effects have been identified that tend to appear after the consumption of foods that contain this additive in their composition, although they could not be related to the appearance of such effects in our body, hence its use is still allowed in the food industry.
In fact, some scientific studies carried out in rodents have shown that this additive is capable of affecting the brain, causing, for example, a decrease in the hormone leptin, which intervenes in the control of our body weight and our appetite. Likewise, different side effects have also been observed after the injection of monosodium glutamate, such as alterations of different organs associated with endocrine function, female sterility, obesity and neurological damage.
Due to the controversy, the American Society for Nutritional Sciences conducted a study to evaluate the safety of this additive. The conclusion? Although it is true that there may be people more sensitive to its consumption, it is not possible to confirm its toxic and or carcinogenic effects, ruling out possible effects on reproductive health. It is even considered a safe consumption of up to 16,000 mg. per Kg of body weight.
Monosodium glutamate side effects:
Monosodium glutamate is considered a neurotoxin, which means that it overstimulates neurons, even leading them to a state of exhaustion as a result of this artificial stimulation, while being capable of damaging the nervous system.
Despite this, it is an accepted food additive, and commonly used in many foods, and especially and more especially in the well-known Chinese food that is sold in many Asian restaurants. But it is not the only one. We can also find it in frozen products, broths and even in packaged soups.
As many related scientific studies have shown, consuming foods containing this additive, especially in high amounts, can cause headaches, nausea, migraines, muscle spasms, and allergies. While, in more serious cases, it can cause epileptic seizures, anaphylaxis, depression and heart problems or irregularities.
The Mayo Clinic itself identifies this additive as a cause of side effects such as nausea, dizziness, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, chest pain and physical weakness. Moreover, no consumption is advised in people who regularly suffer from headaches and migraines and cluster headaches, because it can cause and increase the attacks.
But as we have indicated, side effects would appear especially in people sensitive to this additive, being considered safe and without risks to our health as long as it is not consumed in large quantities.