Did you know that cocoa is useful for burning fat? Discover why cocoa provides useful qualities in the elimination of fat, ideal in weight loss diets for its different fat-burning virtues.

The cocoa has become throughout history in an authentic “food of the gods”. In fact, numerous anthropological studies have concluded that the Mayans cultivated vast areas with cocoa beans for their own consumption more than 2,500 years ago.

Even neighboring cultures such as the Aztecs copied the cultivation style of this plant, which they called “cacahuat “, which they often mixed with other ingredients to create an aromatic drink that turned out to be the most aphrodisiac. This received the name of “xocolatl“.

After the conquest of America, the Spanish began to export cocoa to many European countries along with other foods such as potatoes, beans and tomatoes. Already in the 19th century, chocolate began to be manufactured as we know it today thanks to the boom in the chocolate industry.

They began to produce these bars and ounces of chocolate using butter, which they were later dissolving with milk and cocoa powders in order to get a good mixture that they could use to create all kinds of sweets. In short, chocolate is today one of the most consumed foods in the world. And it is already possible to find millions of recipes that have this sweet as their main base.

What qualities does cocoa give us?

Of course, you always have to take it in moderation since its caloric intake is quite high and it has a high sugar content (especially if it is not pure) that can trigger our blood cholesterol. Although this does not mean that cocoa does not also have its benefits.

In fact, this seed has powerful antioxidants that will help us to maintain a smoother and softer skin thanks to polyphenols. It is also high in magnesium, an element that promotes our entire metabolism and helps cell regeneration.

For its part, it should also be mentioned that cocoa can help us improve our mood. This is because when we taste any portion of chocolate, we secrete what is known as  serotonin, a neurotransmitter that happens to be a natural antidepressant.  Third, cocoa can regulate our entire intestinal transit and therefore can help us avoid diarrhea and constipation.

Can cocoa burn fat? Yes of course!

Surely many of you have been most amazed to learn about the hidden benefits of cocoa. However, the advantages provided by this seed do not end exclusively here. It has also been shown that cocoa can promote fat burning in any area of ​​our body because it accelerates our metabolism.

Likewise, cocoa contains what is known as steric acid that helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Hence, it is very beneficial for all those people who suffer from high cholesterol.

Finally, within cocoa we also find a monounsaturated oleic acid that also reduces “bad cholesterol” (LDL), a situation that will help us avoid cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack.

Finally, all those people who want to reduce cellulite on the buttocks, legs and abdomen can achieve this by consuming small portions of cocoa if at the same time they are accompanied by a daily and constant physical activity.

It is also possible to apply it directly to the skin thanks to chocolate therapy, a practice that turns out to be the most beneficial for our skin and to say goodbye to these imperfections on our complexion.

As an advice, it is better that you take dark chocolate directly. The one that comes with a high concentration of milk, has a higher unsaturated fat index together with a high sugar content, which can make us neglect our line.

Other useful tips to burn fat

Maintaining an adequate weight and not being overweight or obese are fundamental issues when it comes to enjoying good health, since in this way we avoid the appearance of a good number of very diverse diseases.

If you find yourself following a weight loss diet, want to lose weight, or simply want to  burn fat, there are a number of tips and tricks that can help many people.

For example, walking helps to eliminate fat, and in fact it is enough to practice it daily for just 30 minutes. In any case, if you want some more advice, you just have to continue reading:

  • Never forget to consume five servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables. They purify your body while being rich in vitamins, minerals and plenty of water, which helps you reduce weight while eliminating fluids.
  • Try to keep your diet between 1,500-2,000 calories. Below that figure, you may lack nutrients and make you gain weight, since your body will save stored fat. In this sense, it is a mistake to think that by stopping eating you will lose more weight.
  • Drink two liters of water a day. It helps to eliminate liquids, mobilize and eliminate fat, and hydrate you.
  • Never skip any of the five meals a day. Of course, never eat excessively.
  • Reduce food from 8 pm, when our body relaxes and does not eliminate as much food as throughout the day.
  • Exercise actively, if possible on a daily basis.


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