Apple sauce is a simple and easy recipe to make, which becomes an excellent dish that can be eaten alone as a dessert or snack, or as a side dish for meats. Find out how to do it.

Applesauce, also popularly known as applesauce, is a delicious natural option to enjoy the flavor and nutritional properties of apples, opting this time for an obviously different flavor and texture.

It is ideal as a solid food for babies from 6 months of age, when the baby’s first fruits begin to be introduced, among which are not only apples, but also bananas and pears.

These three fruits are ideal because, in addition to being easy to digest, they are very easy to assimilate, which, together with their flavor and pleasant texture, make them the preferred option for the little ones in the house.

The truth is that applesauce can be consumed alone for breakfast or snack, accompanied with other foods such as a little yogurt, used as an ingredient for the preparation of certain desserts (as is the case of puff pastry with pastry cream and apples), or even as an accompaniment to meat dishes, combining very well with ingredients such as pork or veal.

However, depending on the idea that we have when using the apple puree or compote, the ingredients to be used in the preparation of the recipe will be different, although in general its preparation does not require much science, it is very simple, and Its versatility makes it a quick way to have a sweet puree that goes perfectly with a wide variety of dishes.

How to make apple sauce (basic recipe):

The choice of apple variety is very important, since the result will be a sweeter or more acid compote or puree. In our case we will use pippin apples, which will give for a ration of 2 cups (or 2 people).


  • 4 pippin apples
  • 5 tablespoons of brown sugar (you can substitute panela)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  1. Peel the apples, wash them well and remove the core. Then cut them into rather small pieces.
  2. In a saucepan add the chopped apple, the cinnamon stick, the sugar or panela and the water. Put on the fire and let the apple cook until the water starts to boil, then lower the heat and put it on medium heat.
  3. Now let the apple cook until it softens.
  4. Remove the cinnamon and, if the texture is not what you want, beat the compote or pass it through a food mill.
  5. Ready! If you wish, you can keep it in the fridge, stored in a jar.

Another Delicious Applesauce Recipe

Apple sauce recipe for meats

This recipe that we are proposing now is ideal to accompany meats, since the slightly sweet flavor of the purée and its texture combine equally well with meat dishes.


  • 4 pippin apples
  • 1 glass of water
  • 30 grams of sugar (it can be brown sugar or panela)
  • 1 tablespoon sweet wine


  1. Peel the apples, wash them, remove the core and cut them into small squares.
  2. Put them in a saucepan together with the water, sugar and sweet wine.
  3. Cover the saucepan and let it cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  4. After that time lower the heat and let the apples soften.
  5. Finally pass the apples through the food mill or blender.
  6. Ready! You can accompany them as a side dish with your favorite meat.


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