Do you want to take advantage of the remains of the pantone, or enjoy it in a different way? We explain how to make a pantone pudding with this delicious easy and simple recipe.

Sometimes it happens that the guests that we have to eat on these Christmas dates coincide and repeat the same sweet, so that sometimes we see ourselves with more than one or several sweets, especially at Christmas, where it is very common for each one to have the same nougat or the same box of shortbread.

If this has happened to you, and you have pantone left over, that popular and delicious Italian bun (specifically Milanese) that is usually made and consumed at Christmas, and you don’t feel like eating it again as is, a good idea is to take advantage of it by making a pantone.

The pudding is a sweet that is very easy to prepare and is one more resource both to take advantage of the remains of pantone that we have left and to vary and offer a different dessert.

It basically consists of a characteristic cake of both English and American cuisine, which is made by mixing different chopped ingredients with eggs or milk; it is cooked and curdled inside a high-walled mold in a bain-marie.

The truth is that, in the case of pantone, we already find all those different ingredients that we should mix and chop when making the traditional bread pudding, since as you surely know, it is a sweet that contains flour, grapes raisins, sugar, eggs…

Panettone Pudding Recipe


  • 250 grams of panettone.
  • 500 ml. of whole milk.
  • 4 eggs.
  • The grated skin of an orange.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • A vanilla pod.
  • Homemade or industrial liquid caramel, (to caramelize the mold).


  1. We put the oven to preheat with heat up and down at a temperature of 180º C for 10 minutes. Crumble the remains of panettone and place them in a bowl.
  2. In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, along with the seeds of the vanilla pod. Once it boils, remove from heat and reserve.
  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs well together with the sugar. Once well shaken, pour over the reserved milk. Next, pour everything over the panettone and let it rest for 5 minutes so that it soaks well.
  4. Caramelize the bottom and the walls of the mold. Pour the panettone mixture into the caramelized mould.
  5. Put the mold in the oven and cook in a bain-marie at a temperature of 180º C for about half an hour or until the pudding has set.
  6. We can check if it has curdled by pricking the pudding with a toothpick, skewer or the tip of a knife, which should come out clean without any remains. Once it has curdled, remove it from the oven.
  7. Let it cool down a bit before serving.

We already have our ideal panettone pudding ready to taste it for breakfast, as a dessert, or as snacks. Did you know that it can be served warm or cold?

If you like it cold, once it has cooled to room temperature, put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours to serve it cold, accompanied by a little honey or cream on top.

The warm pudding can be accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate, a cup of coffee or an exquisite tea.


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