We discovered the whole truth about cow’s milk: did you know that it is actually not as beneficial as you think? Some studies show its negative health consequences.

They have always sold us that milk is essential for our health: we must drink several glasses of milk a day (at breakfast, if possible at snack, and also at dinner). But according to many nutritionists, the truth is that the only milk that humans should drink throughout their lives is breast milk. Then, once this stage has passed, the consumption of milk does not make sense, especially if we analyze – and take into account – what the reality is about the not so positive effects that milk has on our body. And as we will see throughout this article, we cannot use the calcium intake as an excuse to drink milk, mainly because this product is actually one of the ones with the lowest calcium content in its composition.

It is known to all that lactose intolerance has become in recent years one of the nutritional problems that have grown the most, possibly because previously the knowledge about this intolerance, which occurs within the process of absorption of lactose in the small intestine, when there is a lack of lactase, lactose passes into the large intestine without decomposing it and begins to ferment.

Different scientific studies carried have discovered that lactase apparently loses its activity in the small intestine when we are small, between the ages of 1 to 4 years, hence the intolerance lactose to appear.

Other foods provide more calcium than milk

It is said, on the other hand, that milk is one of the foods richest in calcium, however the reality is very different: did you know that lactic products are actually a poor source of calcium for the human body? Hence, today it is very common to find milk enriched with calcium.

Regarding calcium, it is much more appropriate to include a good amount of:

  • Vegetables and vegetables: chard, thistle, spinach, leek, artichokes, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.
  • Cereals: oats, barley and wheat.
  • Nuts: almonds, dried figs, pistachios, walnuts, raisins and dates.
  • Legumes: chickpeas, white beans, dried beans and lentils.
  • Seeds: sesame.

Increased decalcification and osteoporosis

It is also often mistakenly believed that due to having been consuming lactic products throughout our lives in the future we will not suffer from osteoporosis or decalcifications.  However, did you know that different scientific studies carried out in China have shown the demineralizing role of animal milk? These studies found that when the Chinese (as you know, non-dairy consumers) introduced milk into their diets, there was an increase in osteoporosis. Something even more curious: osteoporosis is considered an almost exclusive dysfunction in Western countries, which are large consumers of dairy products.

Increase in asthmatic diseases

On the other hand, there is scientific evidence that heavy drinkers and consumers of both milk and dairy products have a higher incidence of asthmatic diseases. In fact, these studies have shown that when dairy was completely cut out, cortisone intake decreased.

The reason? Cow’s milk is rich in casein, which in humans produces a large amount of phlegm (mucus) as a defense mechanism to get rid of these toxins.

In addition to colds, asthma and allergies, casein causes otitis, thyroid disorder and obesity.

Other disorders already related to the consumption of milk and its derivatives

Different studies have been able to verify that the consumption of milk -and its derivatives- could be related to: colds, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibroids, anemia, fibromyalgia, constipation, Crohn’s disease, colon and breast cancer, decalcification, osteoporosis and bronchitis.

In addition, scientific studies also suggest that there is a greater relationship between milk consumption and increased risk of juvenile diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

… And then what milk could I drink?

Surely, like me, you will be very used to drinking milk with breakfast, accompanied by cereals, and also to having the odd cut throughout the day … So, after reading this article, you have many doubts on how to substitute milk.

The best option is vegetable milks, which in addition to being nutritionally adequate, we can easily prepare at home. They stand out above all the almond milk, sesame milk, hazelnut milk, milk pistachio and rice milk.

However, other scientific studies demonstrate the nutritional richness of animal milk.  Therefore, like everything in excess, nutritionists talk about the possibility of continuing to drink milk but only in small amounts (for example, maximum one glass of milk a day), and provide calcium and vitamin D to our body from other foods.


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