Since what month can the baby be felt? We explain to you from what week of pregnancy it is usual for the future mother to begin to feel the fetus. And when does it become more apparent.

Pregnancy can pass more or less quickly, depending on how both mom and dad experience it, and how intense they feel. Thus, when it comes to the first pregnancy and both are first-timers, the most common thing is that joy but at the same time nervousness and anxiety can influence having the feeling that the 9 months pass and have passed very quickly.  However, if it is a second or third pregnancy, it may be more likely that each week will be more enjoyable, precisely because of the calm that comes from having already gone through it.

As we can see week by week, although during the first days the most normal thing is not to feel practically any type of symptoms, and that you do not realize that you may be pregnant until the delay of menstruation and possible positive pregnancy test, as the pregnancy progresses. Pregnancy there are more obvious signs.

For example, changes occur in the woman’s body even more or less early: due to the increase in certain hormones, nausea, dizziness and vomiting, fatigue and drowsiness may arise, the breasts gradually prepare for the lactation…

But, from what moment can you begin to feel the first patatidas? From what month can it be possible to start feeling the baby’s movements?

It is estimated that, between week 20 and 22, it tends to be very common for the expectant mother to identify the first movements of the baby. That is, around the fifth month of pregnancy.

However, it is not until the sixth month of pregnancy when they do feel fully. For example, between weeks 23 to 26, the pregnant woman is more likely to notice how the baby can move if she slightly presses on her own abdomen, and she already begins to feel her movements.

From then on, in the seventh month of pregnancy, the kicks are more evident, clear, and it is also normal to feel them much more frequently. It is possible that, from these weeks, if we look carefully at the skin of the future mother’s abdomen, we can see a small lump emerge that then usually recedes very quickly. Since the baby still has room to move, the mother tends to feel it more.

But don’t worry if the baby moves less after the eighth month. This is because you no longer have as much space to do pirouettes. Of course, the most common is that it moves less but more intensely.

At what times of the day is the baby most active?

There are many moms who point out that when they rest and lie down or sit the baby tends to move more. But, in reality, this is not because the little one is more active just in the moments in which the future mother relaxes, but, what happens, is that she tends to be more aware and notices it with greater intensity.

Although it is true that each baby has its own rhythm, and it is evident that not all move equally (in fact, a first pregnancy can be completely different from the second and it can happen that the second child is even more active than the first), it is It is more common for the baby to move when the mother eats, since she receives glucose and therefore feels more energetic.

And what does the future mother usually feel?

Many moms point out that the most common at first is to feel like a kind of bubbling, like a tickle that lasts a few seconds. And, no doubt, it must be a wonderful feeling that only they are lucky enough to feel: how these small and timid bubbles become real kicks of karate as the fetus develops and continues to grow.

On the other hand, it is also common for women who have had more children to feel the baby earlier, between weeks 16 and 20, since they know what the movements are like and are able to identify them earlier.

What to do if we don’t feel it moving?

As many gynecologists and midwives advise, you should not obsess over your baby’s movements. Especially during the last months of pregnancy, although it is true that it is normal for you to move several times a day, it is enough to notice it only once a day to make sure you are well.

If you feel that you are not moving much, especially in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, try eating something with sugar, for example an orange or apple juice or some cookies, so that it is activated by glucose. If despite this it does not move, it is recommended to go to the emergency room.


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