Sesame is a seed rich in benefits and heart-healthy properties, thanks to its content of essential fatty acids. Discover its most important nutritional virtues.

The Sesame is an herbaceous plant known by the name of Sesamum indicum. It is also known by the name of sesame, and its seeds are usually widely used in cooking for the preparation of a wide variety of recipes; also from a medicinal point of view, thanks to the fact that it helps in the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

It belongs to the Pedaliaceae family, and can reach up to one meter in height. It is an easily distinguishable plant, since it offers characteristic flowers, of a striking pinkish-white color.

On a previous occasion we talked to you about the different benefits of sesame seeds, highlighting that they tend to be widely used in the kitchen as they are added to an interesting variety of breads, giving them a truly characteristic flavor. They are also used in sweets, highlighting Morocco in that sense for its great diversity of Arab sweets that contain sesame.

Sesame benefits

High content of essential fatty acids

The fatty acids (both omega-3 and the omega-6) are particularly suitable and necessary in a healthy and balanced diet, tend to reduce the levels of high cholesterol so much more effective than monounsaturated fats.

In fact, sesame or sesame stands out for its high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, thus preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Helps purify the body

Thanks to its high fiber content, sesame is an especially useful food to purify our body naturally.

Among other aspects, its regular consumption in a balanced diet helps to normalize the functioning of the intestine, helping not only to purify the body and eliminate toxins.

Rich in minerals

It stands out for its high content of calcium (675 mg), iron (9 mg) and zinc (5 mg). As you know, calcium is essential for bones and teeth, iron helps prevent anemia and zinc prevents male infertility.

Medicinal properties of sesame

Thanks to the benefits of sesame, we are faced with a really interesting option as a treatment in deficiency states such as: bone weakness, osteoporosis, hair loss, weak lungs and cavities.

It helps in case of nervous disorders and problems, such as stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and exhaustion; by helping to improve our mood and elevate our mood on the one hand, and help us relax on the other.

It also provides circulatory benefits, helping to reduce high cholesterol, prevent myocardial infarction and arterial thrombosis.

Contraindications and side effects of sesame

The consumption of sesame is not recommended in case of diarrhea. For the rest, no other important contraindications have been described, so we can consider sesame as a very safe natural product.

As with the contraindications of sesame, no side effects have been described. Of course, some people with an allergy to sesame may not be able to consume it. In this sense, in allergic people it can cause the following symptoms:

  • Contact or atopic dermatitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis and asthma.
  • Urticaria.
  • In severe cases it can cause anaphylaxis.



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