Discover all the steps necessary to prepare a bottle well and correctly, without forgetting something fundamental: its proper sterilization.

If your baby’s feeding consists of breastfeeding through bottles or you have opted for  mixed breastfeeding, we will explain below how you should prepare the bottles for each feeding and what considerations you should take into account to carry it out.

Preparing the bottles for your newborn is not difficult at all, it is true that at the beginning you must take some things into account and you do not need so many devices or gadgets to give the bottle to your little one.

At first you should know what type of bottles you want to use, in a previous article we talked about the importance of choosing the right bottle and the difference in material between a plastic and a glass one.

Prepare the bottle step by step

To choose a good bottle it is necessary that it be practical, appropriate to its age, since each bottle is indicated as the baby grows, easy to clean, made of glass or plastic that can withstand high temperatures and is unbreakable and above all the smoothest possible.

First, the mother or the person who will prepare the bottle should wash their hands thoroughly, so as not to transmit infections to the baby. A neutral soap will be enough to reach the nails and between the fingers well.

When you go to sterilize the bottles or nipples for the first time, you do not need to buy a device specially indicated to sterilize bottles or nipples, just put water to boil and leave all the utensils for 5 minutes, after this time put them to drain.

From there after use you can wash them with soap and water normally, you can re-sterilize them from time to time.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prepare the powdered milk, take water and introduce the necessary amount for each feeding, with the meter that comes inside the powdered milk take the appropriate amount and always balancing the meter with a knife to remove the milk surplus.

Mix the water well with the powdered milk inside the bottle and begin to carefully shake the previously covered bottle, heat the bottle in the microwave or in a water bath. It will be essential that we check the temperature of the milk before giving it to the little one, try it on the back of the hand or drinking a few drops.

After having checked the temperature of the milk we can feed the baby after having carried out these previous steps. Why is not it so difficult?

The correct sterilization of baby bottles

During the first months of your child’s life, it is advisable to clean and better sterilize any infantile object since his immune system has to become stronger and stronger against external agents.

Why is it convenient to sterilize the bottles? Breast milk is essential for the health of your baby, it also contains antibodies or defenses that will help prevent infection with bacteria that will bring nothing but diseases.

However, artificial lactation is made with formula milk that does not contain antibodies and is actually a culture of bacteria that is not very beneficial for the baby.

There are two processes to sterilize baby bottles or products, through heat or cold.

As there are materials that do not tolerate high temperatures, it is normal for these objects to be sterilized by cold, it is a chemical process and its main problem is that it lasts a long time and leaves a chlorine smell in the products.

As for heat sterilization, it is a physical method that uses steam to eliminate any microorganisms from the bottles if this is the case. It is the most complete and fastest method in which electrical appliances are used so you can do it at any time when you need it most.


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