Blue algae provide nutritional properties and ideal benefits within a balanced diet, being rich in minerals such as iron or vitamins of group B.


The algae (as we know in our special about the properties of algae) are a highly nutritious foods that bring us great content both mineral and vitamins.

They are fresh or salt water plants that have the same cycles as terrestrial plants. But they have a special peculiarity: they grow, reproduce and die without the involvement of sowing or irrigation processes.

Within the algae family we can find a very interesting variety, coming from the cultivation of different specials such as Spirulina maxima or Microcystis wesenbergii, which are called  blue algae (also known as blue-green algae).

We can find blue or blue-green algae in alkaline waters of subtropical and tropical areas, which have a high content of salts, hence they have that characteristic bluish-green color.

Nutritional properties of blue algae

The blue algae provide a good amount of protein, but not greater than, for example, we could make a good piece of meat or an egg.

However, they are rich in B vitamins, and much more in minerals, among which we must highlight iron (for example, 20 g. Of spirulina provide approximately 4 mg. Of iron).

Benefits of blue algae for health

  • Helps to strengthen the immune system. Hence, they are recommended when  increasing defenses.
  • They improve digestion.
  • Suitable against premenstrual syndrome.
  • Helps to increase memory.
  • Reduces symptoms of stress and depression.
  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases, while reducing high cholesterol levels.

How much daily amount is it advisable to consume blue algae?

Taking into account that an excessive consumption of these algae is not at all recommended (in fact, its consumption is prohibited in cases of phenylketonuria), it is appropriate to consume no more than 5 grams of these algae per day.


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