If you are looking for recipes for hot sauces we offer you 4 delicious recipes with which to surprise your guests, ideal to accompany different meat, fish, rice and pasta dishes.
Sauces, whether hot or cold, are those ideal recipes to complete any dish, and to ensure that ultimately we find ourselves before a practically perfect dish. The wide varieties of options that can be made are so wide that we can actually find many different hot sauce recipes, specifically conceived for certain dishes.
For example, there are hot sauces that combine almost perfectly with fish dishes, while there are others that are simply ideal to accompany meats. But these are not the only ones, since we can also find recipes for pasta sauces, eggs.
Below we provide how to prepare different recipes for hot sauces with which we can accompany, taste or savor our favorite recipes. They are simple recipes to prepare with which we can give a special touch to pasta, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, rice dishes.
How to Make Delicious Hot Sauces:
Spinach sauce
This spinach sauce is ideal to accompany pasta, poached eggs. It is very simple to prepare and we will need the following ingredients:
- 400 grams of fresh or frozen spinach.
- 20 grams of butter.
- 125 ml. whole or skimmed milk.
- Mineral water to cook the spinach.
- One teaspoon of plain wheat flour.
- A pinch of salt.
- A pinch of ground black pepper.
- We wash the spinach well and put them to cook in a cauldron with water that only covers and a little salt, we cook for 5 or 6 minutes.
- Once cooked, drain them well, and crush them with the blender.
- In a saucepan we put the butter to melt and once melted we add the milk and the crushed spinach add a pinch of salt and cook over moderate heat and stirring until the sauce thickens.
- If we notice that it does not thicken enough, add the teaspoon of flour to help us thicken and cook, stirring for about 10 minutes.
- After time, we remove from the heat and check if the salt is good, add a pinch of ground black pepper and stir everything well.
- We put the spinach sauce in a bowl or sauce boat and serve hot accompanying the dish we have chosen for that day, pasta or poached eggs.
Chives sauce
With this chives sauce we can accompany roasted sins, or roast meat.
- 2 chives washed and minced.
- One egg yolk.
- 40 grams of butter.
- 3 basil leaves, minced.
- A pinch of salt.
- A pinch of ground black pepper.
- In a warmer we put the butter to melt, once melted we add the minced chives and with low heat we brown for about 15 minutes.
- We remove the heater from the heat and mash the chives with the mixer. We put the onion puree in a bowl or bowl and add the well beaten egg yolk.
- Stir to mix well, and add the chopped basil leaves, a pinch of salt and a pinch of ground black pepper.
- We transfer the chives sauce to a small bowl or sauce boat and serve hot, to accompany and taste both grilled fish and roasted meat.
Anchovy sauce or anchovy paste
The anchovy sauce is very easy to prepare and with this sauce we can accompany dishes of cooked or grilled vegetables, pasta, poached eggs, to fill eggs.
- 125 grams of canned anchovies.
- 100 ml. of extra virgin olive oil mild flavor.
- One garlic clove.
- We drain the oil from the anchovies well.
- Finely chop the anchovies.
- In a frying pan we put the oil to heat, once hot we add the peeled garlic clove until golden brown.
- Once it is golden, we remove it from the pan.
- Add the chopped anchovies to the pan and sauté them while mashing them with the fork, until they are well ground.
- If you prefer well ground like a paste, we can pass them through the blender and make them puree.
- We serve hot to taste with the dish chosen for that day, vegetables, pasta or eggs.
Sauce for rice or boiled chicken
The sauce that we are going to prepare next is like a Chinese sauce, it is ideal to accompany dishes of rice, chicken or any other type of poultry.
- 100 ml. of white wine vinegar (a good quality vinegar).
- One level tablespoon of white sugar.
- A pinch of ground black pepper.
- In a warmer we put the vinegar, the spoonful of sugar and the pinch of ground black pepper.
- Heat until it boils, and once it boils reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes.
- After the time has elapsed, we remove from the heat and put the Chinese sauce in a sauce boat or small bowl.
- We present the hot Chinese sauce to accompany rice, chicken or any other poultry.