Do you know what an envious person is like, and what are the symptoms, signs or warning signs that will warn you that you are close to such a person? We discover them for you.

The envy is one of the worst evils that human being. It is based on having all kinds of angry feelings towards another person for wanting what they have. Envious people often have a bad mood, offer negativity and try to destroy what they envy.

It is noteworthy that the word envy comes from the Latin, invidere, which means to put on and look, that is, to look at something. Envious people have a double characteristic that identifies them. On the one hand, wanting with all you might to possess what you don’t have and is for other people, and on the other, wanting that whoever has what we want loses it. In this way, these types of people tend to have a high degree of negativity, which can end up destroying themselves and others.

If we choose the desire to improve without wanting to go through the effort necessary to do so, then we will be feeding negative feelings of envy towards others, since it is proven that we cannot easily be like them. It is a defense mechanism that comes to blame the other for what they are or have and we lack, “but we are not willing to try to achieve with effort.”

Elements that help you know if a person is envious

The symptoms of envy

They always appear related to possession and can vary from one person to another. Although there are certain common symptoms that can be useful to know if someone you know may be envious of us.

Criticize others nonstop

Criticism can be constructive at times. And there are also those who usually criticize out of habit, now one of the symptoms of envy is related to this act. The envious are usually people who criticize others continuously and also maliciously. Normally, they criticize everyone, from friends to family and even their partners. If you have a friend like that, watch out because they may also be criticizing you. And all this out of envy.

They do not support someone else’s success

These types of people tend to withdraw from the others when the latter are successful in life. If they have managed to enter a position of opposition, if they have gotten a good job, if everything is going well for them personally and professionally… these people are not usually happy with the successes of others. They do not usually congratulate or take an interest in this achievement, and they distance themselves from the person who is successful because it is something they cannot overcome.

Inferiority complex

Envious people often hide a deep feeling of inferiority. And it comes from childhood because, due to education issues, they feel a great possession for their things and those of others. The fear of losing them due to some event in the past is something that is brewing and, as they grow up, they project it with envy. They then feel inferior to others because they do not possess what others have.

They don’t trust themselves

Also from childhood other symptoms appear, such as loss of self-confidence. This is caused because few people give them the confidence they really need to grow as a human being. In this sense, the inferiority complex continues that moves to wanting to possess what is not his as a symbol that the more the better.

People who run away and don’t help

An envious friend may be active in helping you, but later disappear. That is, the envious when asked to be by his side and help, does not offer it. You will have excuses for not doing it, because of the envy you may feel.

Envy as a positive effect

Envy is not always seen as something negative. That is, this feeling can become positive, because according to some anthropologists, envy can lead to healthy struggle and competition, but in no case as something unhealthy that causes us to cause distance between people in society.


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