Benefits of cinnamon and turmeric milk, with information on the nutritional, medicinal and healing properties of the vegetable drink of cinnamon and turmeric.

Plant milks are natural beverages that are obtained from cereals, seeds and nuts. They become an excellent natural option for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, and for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or simply do not want to continue consuming animal products. The flavor of non-dairy milk depends on the original food from which it was made. Thus, for example, while rice milk tends to be a soft and generally sweet drink,  oat milk is characterized by being somewhat bitterer.

The truth is that once we have in our hands a container of vegetable milk, either because we have bought it in the supermarket or because we have even encouraged ourselves to make it ourselves at home, in reality a whole world of possibilities opens up before us, since we can combine the drink with other natural foods to make it even more complete.

This is the case, for example, of the cinnamon and turmeric milk that we want to talk to you about on this occasion, which not only provides us with all the healing and nutritional benefits that the vegetable drink we choose would provide, but also these two wonderful and delicious spices.

Nutritional benefits of cinnamon and turmeric milk

Milk or vegetable drink of cinnamon and turmeric is a very interesting natural option in varied and balanced diets, thanks to its tremendous nutritional wealth. Regardless of the original plant milk that we choose, it becomes an ideal drink to provide our body with those essential nutrients that we need so much every day.

For example, it is a drink very rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that protects our body tissues from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it keeps the immune system healthy, prevents or delays the formation of cataracts, and prevents the formation of thrombi.

It also provides minerals, among which we can mention: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

If, for example, we opt for sunflower milk, we will find ourselves before a drink that is also very rich in proteins and healthy fats.

Properties of cinnamon and turmeric milk

Among the most interesting benefits of cinnamon and turmeric milk, we can mention and highlight the following:

  • Against cholesterol and triglycerides: it is an excellent vegetable drink very beneficial for our cardiovascular system as it helps reduce the levels of both high cholesterol and of triglycerides. It also prevents arteriosclerosis.
  • Excellent and useful in deficiency states: whether in case of hair loss, lack of vitality, bone weakness or osteoporosis, it is a very rich and beneficial drink for these states.
  • Good for the nervous system: as it prevents both brain and nervous exhaustion. In addition, it is useful to treat problems of nervous origin, such as anxiety, stress, depression or irritability.
  • A wonderful aphrodisiac: thanks to its content in cinnamon, a recognized aphrodisiac spice.

The benefits indicated above are in a certain sense general with respect to the general qualities that most plant-based milks provide. Of course, we must bear in mind that these qualities vary a bit depending on the vegetable drink that we choose to make this vegetable milk. If we opt for sesame milk we will find ourselves before a very beneficial drink for our cardiovascular system, as it is very rich in lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids.


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