How many calories do the different ham legs that we can buy in the market provide? Discover the caloric content of ham in its different varieties: between the best and the lowest quality.
When Christmas approaches, it tends to be quite common for the consumption of ham legs, both in our country and even exported to other European and non-European countries, to skyrocket. Why? Mainly because together with seafood, ham legs are the characteristic products of this time, although it is true that we can enjoy them all year round.
It is common during these traditional festivals to enjoy a plate with slices of delicious ham at a large table with food and typical desserts. And, precisely, depending on the type of ham with which we find ourselves, not only its price will vary, but also its benefits and its nutritional content, as well as its caloric content.
On the one hand, ham, whether it is Iberian ham or Serrano ham, stands out for its high content of essential fatty acids, among which we can highlight oleic acid or monounsaturated acids. On the other, they are especially rich in vitamins (mainly vitamins of group B and D) and minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium).
However, when you follow a weight loss diet or when you want to control your weight, but we love ham in all its varieties and we cannot stop enjoying its flavor, a good option is to discover something more about the calories that the ham provides. Ham leg.
Caloric content of the ham leg
Before talking about the ham leg itself, we must differentiate the varieties of ham legs that exist, depending on the breed of the animal itself and its diet:
- Iberian ham: we find, above all, the best types of ham, since in this classification we can distinguish the acorn-fed Iberian ham (it comes from Iberian pig fed on acorns and natural pastures), the Iberian reebok ham (it comes from Iberian pig fed with Acorns, pastures and feed), Iberian bait ham (comes from Iberian pig fed on natural pastures and feed) and Iberian field bait ham (comes from Iberian pig fed on natural pastures and feed in open-air land).
- White ham: it is the most common and economical, finding us with Serrano ham (it comes from white coat pigs, raised intensively and fed with feed, and a minimum curing time of 7 months) and cured ham (it comes from pigs of white coat, reared in intensive regime, fed with fodder).
At this point it is possible to discover the different calories in the ham leg depending on the type of ham to be consumed:
Calories of acorn-fed Iberian ham
100 grams of acorn-fed Iberian ham provide 242 kilocalories. In addition, it provides:
- Proteins: 28.5 gr.
- Fat: 14.5 gr.
- Water: 57.5 gr.
Calories in Bierce ham reebok
100 grams of reebok Iberian ham provide 282 kilocalories. In addition, it provides:
- Proteins: 29.5 gr.
- Fat: 16.8 gr.
- Water: 58.5 gr.
Calories of Bierce ham de cero
100 grams of Iberian bait ham provide 302 kilocalories. In addition, it provides:
- Proteins: 30.2 gr.
- Fat: 20.5 gr.
- Water: 57.5 gr.
Calories in Serrano ham
100 grams of Serrano ham provide 136 kilocalories. In addition, it provides:
- Proteins: 30 gr.
- Carbohydrates: 1 gr.
- Fats: 10 gr.
Calories in cured ham
100 grams of cured ham provide 235 kilocalories. In addition, it provides:
- Proteins: 30.5 gr.
- Fat: 7.5 gr.