Happiness can come into your life and stay forever, but how can you be happier naturally? We offer you some tricks that will help you achieve it.
Is there anyone who does not want to be happy? Surely we all look for it, although it seems somewhat difficult to find like a hidden treasure or ephemeral like the sparkles of a rainbow. What we have come to propose to you today is this simple question: are we looking for it in the right place?
Of course, there are no exact recipes to be happy, but there are certain things that can help us improve our life, feel better and live it more fully, and that are perfectly within our reach.
For this we bring you these tips to be happier, made from various scientific studies. We hope you can get them started without fail!
Useful tips to be much happier in your day to day
Live today
How many times do we get tangled up thinking about the future, and this causes us anxiety or worry.
According to psychology, this translates into unnecessary suffering that diminishes our emotional well-being. Instead, they recommend focusing on the things of the present and looking to the future with concrete, realistic goals that allow us to get there step by step.
Happiness is not sought, it is lived
It is proven that those who obsessively strive to achieve “happiness” tend to get entangled in negative feelings because failure to achieve it generates frustration and unhappiness.
Instead, focus your gaze on moments of happiness and try to think that when we are in a “not happy” moment this is not necessarily a failure, just part of the ups and downs of life.
Tell me who you are with and I will tell you how you feel
Another key to being happier is learning how to choose our companies. You already know that there are people who are negative and “infect” us with those bad vibes…
In the same way, people who have a positive attitude have been found to have a very positive effect on our emotional well-being.
Spend more time with your loved ones
Scientific research also maintains that family and friends are a very positive influence on our mood, they help us to get away from our worries and to feel in a more contained environment.
Being grateful makes us happier
Although it may appear to us as one less detail, being able to return a sincere gratitude to those who have given us help is –according to psychological studies- can increase happiness to a considerable degree. And as a bonus, you will also make the person you thank!
On the other hand, we must not forget to do activities that raise our emotional and physical well-being. There are several things that we can add to our routines on a daily basis to be able to feel happier every day: among them, physical exercise, music and travel.
First, the physical exercise increases the energy of our body and reduces stress. But it also benefits your state of mind thanks to the endorphins that our brain releases and that help to see life more positively (the famous crystals to see life in the color of rose). It can even be a low-effort activity like walking or yoga, so there are no excuses!
Traveling is another key to being happier, according to another psychological study, since it opens up the possibility of opening ourselves to new experiences and new people. Even planning the trip is already positively influencing our state of mind.
And finally, the third habit to incorporate into our daily lives is music, whose effects can be very beneficial for our psyche, as shown by the scientific discipline of music therapy. It has been studied that music can influence our behavior, either by improving our mood or helping us control negative feelings, such as sadness or anger.