Do you know why children should eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day? Discover the benefits and properties that they provide in the children’s diet.
It was a few years ago when the Ministry of Health carried out the famous campaign “5 servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables”, encouraging those people who eat few fruits and vegetables to increase their daily consumption as a way to continue, for a On the other, a balanced diet and, on the other, enjoy a much healthier and healthier diet.
Among the benefits of fruits that we could highlight, we find that they are extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all essential nutrients for the proper functioning of our body. They are also rich in fiber and water, and their fat content is really low, so that their caloric intake is practically zero within a healthy diet.
For this reason they are ideal – and we would almost dare to say that they are fundamental – within a healthy and balanced diet, since by providing satiety they help to control weight or lose weight (if it is accompanied by following a weight loss diet), while its content in essential nutrients make them essential foods.
Hence, in the diet that the little ones must follow, the inclusion of fruits, vegetables and vegetables every day by the parents is essential.
Why is it important for children to eat fruits and vegetables?
Taking into account that both fruits and vegetables are especially rich in vitamins, minerals, water, fiber and antioxidants, we are faced with healthy foods that help the little one in the growth and development of their body.
Thanks to their richness in water and fiber, they provide satiety, which together with their low caloric content, are ideal foods in the prevention of childhood obesity.
In addition, if the little one resists, they are very easy to prepare, so that you can eat them raw, in juices or smoothies.
What are the best fruits and vegetables for the little ones?
Everything will depend on the taste of the little one, although all fruits and vegetables are ideal: citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, melon, apples and pears … Regarding vegetables, you can include them in delicious salads, or in other recipes as well. Nutritious.