What are the fruits with the lowest calorie content? Watermelons and grapefruit stand out above all, but also others like the ones we talk about in this post.
A calorie is a unit of energy, used in nutrition as an index to measure the energy provided by the different foods ingested in our daily diet. Therefore, it allows us to develop adequate diets that help in the loss of body weight, while diets below 1,200 kcal are considered very dangerous.
Therefore, absolutely all foods and most drinks (except water) provide calories. In a healthy and healthy nutrition, the most appropriate are those foods rich from a nutritional point of view, being important to eliminate those that only provide empty calories (that is, foods that provide calories but no type of nutrient); a good example in this regard is alcoholic beverages or sugary soft drinks.
In the case of fruits , there is no doubt that we are facing a group of foods that cannot and should not be lacking in our diet, thanks to the fact that they provide vitamins, minerals, water and other essential nutrients for our health and for the proper functioning of the organism.
List of fruits with less caloric intake
16 kcal
100 gr.
Watermelon is one of the most characteristic and well-known fruits of summer. In addition, it stands out for being one of the lowest-calorie fruits, being, however, very rich in water and fiber. It provides diuretic and laxative properties and is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect against different types of cancer.
25 kcal
100 gr.
It is a delicious fruit, characteristic of spring. It helps in lowering LDL cholesterol levels and is useful for balancing HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). All this thanks to its pectin content.
25 kcal
100 gr.
It is an ideal fruit for the stomach thanks to its digestive properties. It is also very rich in vitamin C, and its papain content makes it an ideal fruit for heavy digestions.
33 kcal
100 gr.
One of the fruits best known for its vitamin C content, it helps reduce cholesterol, is an antioxidant and is also useful when it comes to eliminating toxins. In addition, it is anticancer and satiating.
34 kcal
100 gr.
They are rich in vitamin C and iron, which undoubtedly help in a positive way to the absorption of both minerals (since it is ideal to consume them together, or with foods rich in both nutrients to favor their better absorption). It also provides folic acid and vitamin K.
36 kcal
100 gr.
It is a fruit that helps to stimulate and improve the appetite. It is diuretic, helps prevent fluid retention, and is laxative. Provides large amounts of water, vitamin A, C, potassium and phosphorus.
38 kcal
100 gr.
It is one of the richest fruits in beta-carotene, a nutrient that is converted into vitamin A (essential for the health of our eyes). In addition, it helps protect us against cardiovascular diseases.
41 kcal
100 gr.
Ideal for its antioxidant properties, being very suitable in case of urinary infections. In addition to their low calorie content, they positively help reduce fat.