Water is a natural drink essential for life, full of benefits and properties. Discover its incredible properties and its main uses.

We are made up of a large part of water, which, at the same time, we use up and which we need to replace in order for our body to function. For the skin, the mind, the body … water offers us many possibilities and is a necessary good for living.

In fact, the United Nations General Assembly approved, in 2010, a resolution that recognizes drinking water and basic sanitation as an essential human right for the enjoyment of all people.

The incredible benefits of water:

Water to drink.

We are pure water, and we are made up of 60% of it, always depending on the measurements and physical conditions of each person. We need about 2.5 liters of water a day (in summer a little more) so that the body acts correctly and there is no dehydration. For this, it is vital to drink large amounts of water a day that we can also obtain from foods rich in this, such as fruits and vegetables.

Water offers us many benefits, hence it is always recommended by doctors and nutritionists in substitution with many other drinks that are totally unnecessary. It is advisable to reduce those that have sugars and gas, and avoid alcohol as much as possible.

The advantages that water has for the body are thanks to the minerals and vitamins that it has to drink, when it is drinkable. For example, you need to drink water for the proper functioning of the kidneys, in addition to allowing good general hydration, especially in people at high risk of dehydration and in times of high heat. Drinking water while we eat is good to facilitate the absorption of food and this has the consequences of better digestion in general. Unlike the consumption of other drinks rich in sugars, water is safe, which favors the maintenance of the line and the body so as not to increase fat or kilos.

The benefits of water for the skin.

Thanks to its antioxidant and moisturizing power, water is one of the fundamental compounds in cosmetics, creams, soaps and other products related to beauty and aesthetics. It offers a deep repairing action, since hydration is necessary to renew the epidermis, eliminate imperfections and perform exfoliations for maintenance, perfection and rejuvenation.

Body and mind.

Due to this renovation and the amount of benefits it offers, thermal centers and spas are the order of the day for the mind to relax and acquire well-being. For example, water is used in different massages, such as the spa that eliminates muscle aches and offers all kinds of sedative effects.

The power of water goes further and in the spa, the thermal areas offer a world of water of different temperatures for the body and mind. In these areas the thermal circuits have areas where water is the protagonist, since the thermal baths were already discovered by the Romans for their pleasant benefits. In this case, in addition to removing impurities from the skin, spas and spas perform treatments with medicinal waters that have greater properties than conventional ones to treat somewhat more complex bodily ailments.

In such places we find from showers with contrasts that can be regulated, to foot baths where the water is used to massage the feet, pools of cold and hot water, jacuzzis with bubbles that benefit the neck and back, ice areas and much more. Water contrasts are therapeutic, like most of the thermal treatments offered in spas. Its results translate into a clear and renewed mind, the stimulation of circulation, to end leg and foot pain, and the offer of body treatments to eliminate toxins.

Water, a scarce commodity.

We have seen that water is a good and a right for all people to live. The absence of this can lead to a complicated state that leads to death. Water is a rare commodity, and as such it must be preserved. We must, therefore, make responsible use of water.

Some of the practices that we can do are to reduce the cost of this at home, adjust the water level in various appliances such as the washing machine, and close the tap when we have already used it, when we brush our teeth, or wash our hair. , among other actions.


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