Peanut butter is a delicious natural food, full of nutritional benefits and incredible health properties. Discover the most important qualities of peanut butter.

There is no doubt that when naming peanut butter , also popularly known simply as peanut butter, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is a popular food that has come directly from the United States, where in fact it is so common that they abound movies and television series where its protagonists consume it.

In fact, it is very common to consume it in a sandwich accompanied by jam, which also becomes a tremendously delicious dish because the salty flavor of the peanut butter combines almost perfectly with the sweetness of the fruit jam.

There it is so, so popular that it has become a true hallmark, to the point of being known simply by the name of PB&J (or what is the same, Peanutbutter and jelly sandwich).

But the origin of this popular cream is found at the end of the 19th century, when John Harvey Kellogg patented a method to make a nutritious paste with which to feed the patients of The Battle Creek Sanitarium center.

It turned out to be so delicious that it soon became popular, although it wasn’t until 1901 that a magazine first suggested combining it with jam. Since then, it has become a true culinary institution.

Be that as it may, it is usually quite common to associate peanut butter with junk food, especially because it comes from the country where it comes from, and especially because it is considered an unhealthy food.

But, did you know that it actually stands out for being a tremendously nutritious food, full of benefits and healthy properties? As long as, of course, it is made at home with natural ingredients, or we know which one to buy in the supermarket.

The nutritional properties of peanut butter

It is clear that the main ingredient in this cream or butter is peanut (also popularly known simply as peanuts or peanuts). For this reason it is actually considered a very nutritious and healthy cream, provided that –of course it is- it has been made only with that: peanuts.

From a nutritional standpoint, peanut butter is tremendously rich in good quality protein, as well as healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fats.

It also provides an interesting amount of carbohydrates, although in truth its protein contribution is much higher.

When it comes to its vitamin and mineral content, did you know that it is one of the foods that provides the most vitamins and minerals? In fact, we find in its composition minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and iodine. While, among its vitamins, we can mention above all vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B9 or folic acid and B12), in addition to vitamins A, C, D and K.

Regarding its caloric content, 100 grams of peanut butter provide around 620 kcal, in part due to its high content of healthy fats (50 grams). On the other hand, it also provides 10 grams of carbohydrates, 30 grams of protein (of good quality), and does not contain cholesterol.

The most important benefits of peanut butter

A very nutritious food

As we indicated in the previous section, peanut butter stands out for its high nutritional contribution, among which we find good quality proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

But this is not all, since it also contains an interesting amount of vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber.

Rich in healthy fats

Peanut butter is especially rich in healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fats, which help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, especially heart disease.

In addition, due to its vitamin E content, it is a food with antioxidant benefits, which is associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease.

This means that peanut butter helps lower high cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol. And, in addition, it does not contain or provide cholesterol.

Ideal for athletes

If you are an athlete, or you practice regular physical exercise, it is quite likely that you will find in peanut butter a wonderful ally. Why? Very simple: thanks to its high caloric content, it provides energy, which translates into better physical performance.

For this reason, it also becomes a delicious and nutritious food for students, because it helps to provide energy.

In addition, due to its good quality protein content, it promotes muscle gain, therefore ideal for those who practice exercises to promote and gain muscle mass.


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