Edible seeds are natural foods full of benefits and properties not only nutritional but also for health. We discover why they are so useful when we eat them daily.

When it comes to following a balanced, healthy and above all complete diet, seeds become an indispensable natural option thanks to their different nutritional qualities, as well as the different benefits they provide us. As you surely know, they basically consist of very small mature ovules from which new plants will be born, if the appropriate and necessary conditions exist.

These are produced in the plant from the maturation of an ovule of an angiosperm or a gymnosperm, and inside it contains an embryo capable of developing as long as the right circumstances exist. In addition, it is wrapped in a protective covering and contains a stored nutrient source within it.

For this reason, they become a healthy food, as well as delicious: they are extremely rich in essential nutrients, standing out as we will see throughout this note for their richness in healthy fats and easily assimilated proteins. But let’s go in parts.

How many types of seeds are there?

In fact, today there is a wide diversity of edible seeds that can –and should- be part of our daily diet, mainly because of the different essential nutrients that they contribute to our body when they are consumed on a regular basis. Although it is true that, in reality, we only know a few or tend to eat only a few.

We can mention the seeds of sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, grape, apple, wheat, millet, watermelon, melon and flax. All these seeds stand out precisely for being edible, although in a certain sense we only tend to eat a few of them. For example, it is more common to consume sesame or sunflower seeds than apple, melon or watermelon.

The properties of consuming seeds daily

Although each seed provides us with essential nutrients and certain benefits, it is possible to establish a series of qualities that all share with each other. Which are? We reveal them to you below.

Incredible nutritional richness

The seeds become a very complete nutritious food. In fact, as we will know in detail in the following sections, they stand out for example for their incredible richness in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant useful for preventing cancer and reducing premature aging of the skin.

They are also very rich in good quality fats and easily assimilated proteins, which means that they are easily digestible (compared to other proteins, such as those of animal origin).

High content of natural antioxidants

The seeds are extremely rich in vitamin E, an essential nutrient essential for our body because it helps us protect our tissues against the negative action of free radicals, which can damage our cells, organs and tissues and actually play a prominent role in conditions and diseases related to aging.

In addition, they help keep our immune system in good condition.

Helpful against cholesterol and high triglycerides

The presence of healthy fats in the composition of most seeds make them a suitable food when we have high levels of fats in the blood, in particular both cholesterol and triglycerides.

And it is that consuming a handful of seeds on a regular basis every day will help us lower cholesterol and triglycerides, even more if we have them high.

They strengthen the nervous system

The nutritional composition of the seeds make them a suitable natural option to take care of our nervous system, as well as to keep it in good condition. This is mainly due to its richness in healthy fats.

They give us energy

The seeds help us to tone our physical body, in addition to improving our state of emotional well-being. For this reason, they are ideal to consume them in the morning for breakfast or mid-morning, because ultimately they provide us with the energy we need to start the day well.


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