As we have commented on many occasions, although it is true that the popular knowledge that emanates from beyond our grandparents has bequeathed us great knowledge in relation to the most nutritious characteristics of many foods, it is also true that they have bequeathed us a series of myths and topics in food that, even today, are certainly perennial.

One of the best known, for example, especially now that we are about to start winter, there are still those who think that, when it is colder, we burn a greater number of calories, so We grant ourselves the license to take larger volumes of both meals and foods that we want (neglecting our diet and our own daily nutrition).

Is it true that we need more calories in winter?

In this sense, the reality is that, with the current protection systems that we currently have against the cold, the item of energy expenditure linked, for example, to the thermoregulation consumed continues to be practically the same.

In addition, it is not convenient or healthy that, after the caloric limitations that we have submitted in summer, these tend to be abandoned in winter. And, as we have also told you on many occasions, the oscillations in the weight are worse than a slight continuous elevation of it.

For this reason, the only advice that could be given when in doubt as to whether we need more calories in winter is that the energy balance must be taken care of and always maintained the same throughout the year, always consuming healthy and healthy foods that help us enjoy for better health and to provide our body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly.


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